Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day Two-Barcelona

Our daughter, Casey joined us on our second day in Barcelona. Casey has been living in Grosseto, Italy for the summer. She had just been in Greece for a few days visiting my sister and her family who were vacationing in Greece while my brother-in-law was speaking there at a medical convention.
Casey is so cool, she is fun to have along. She is very free-spirited and has all the skills to be a great traveler: understands different languages, keen sense of direction, outgoing personality, curiosity… but enough street smart to be safe. Many of those skills she attributes to her public education at Washington High School. She is very stylish, yet parsimonious. Anyway, she is the coolest girl I know… you know, the one you want to be like when you grow up.

Our day together in Barcelona began with a hike (more like mountain climbing) to Park Guell, the colorful park designed by Gaudi which overlooks the city. The park is now a public space and tourist destination but was originally designed to be an upscale housing complex. Like Sagrada Familia, it is very colorful and unique, reminding me of Seuss land at Islands of Adventure in Orlando.

Next, we went to the market known as La Boqueria. Stalls of vendors are lined up under one roof displaying fresh foods, mostly fruit. This is the place to have an inexpensive lunch if you don't mind standing since seats are hard to find and most often already occupied. After lunch we wandered back to the hotel for more pool time and a late dinner. Most Spaniards don't even think about dinner until 21:00, so we had plenty of time. We found a place on Yelp that served the best paella in town… and it was located down by the beach and we had a sidewalk table on a balmy night with a full moon. Another great day of vacation and even better because we shared it with Casey.

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