Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Home: My favorite destination

I embarked on my sabbatical on August 28, 2014. I have been traveling for almost four months now and enjoyed every minute of it. However, there is no place I would rather be than in my kitchen on Christmas Eve.

First, I love to cook and to set out a feast on my dining room table. I delight in cleaning the house and putting out my collections of Christmas decorations. Next, I can't wait to fill up all the rooms with friends and family and just sit back and watch them enjoy the food and each other's company. 

I can't say that we have any traditions, other than attending the early worship service at the Church of the Covenant. After that, the party commences and seems to be a little bit different each year.
One constant is that we always have special guests that are in town for the holidays. Some come from far away, some grew up down the street. Usually, my husband surprises me by inviting someone that I didn't even know was in town. Some years it is snowing, some years it is freezing cold, and then this year it was so warm we had to open the doors to let in some fresh air.

When the kids were little, the party ended pretty early because parents needed to put their children to bed for Santa to arrive. These days, the party lingers on with the college kids taking over. Most of these kids grew up in the neighborhood and despite attending different high schools and colleges…they don't miss a beat when they see each other again.

I always said that Washington, PA was a great place to raise a family, but we wanted our children to know that there was a whole world out there for them to explore. Now that I am the one doing the world travel, I am positive that our town is unique and our friends are special.   There is no place like home for the holidays.

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