Friday, February 6, 2015

Siem Reap After Dark

The Angkor monuments close at dusk, which was approx. 6:00 p.m. in January. After we left Angkor the day, we enjoyed resting our feet and the cool breeze from the tuk tuk as Mr. Ro deposited us at Pub Street for the rest of the evening. By the way, this guy was at our hotel prior to 5:00 a.m. and shuttled us around all day in the hot sun. We insisted that he go home to his family, convincing him that we weren't sure how long we would stay at Pub Street and that we could find a ride home. His fee? Mr. Ro left that at our discretion, but the customary fee was about $18.00 for the day.

We strolled around Pub Street which resembles Bourbon Street in New Orleans, only Pub St. is quieter. It is filled with shops, art galleries, restaurants and, of course, pubs. We stopped in the Khmer Kitchen and I had a wonderful bowl of a curry-like soup. Again, the prices were astounding. All of the entrees, as priced in U.S. Dollars, were $4.00. A beer was only $1.00 and the most expensive mixed drink, $2.50.

After our meal, we walked through the Night Market. In Siem Reap the market is indoors and full of many of the same types of vendors that we saw in the Phnom Penh market. However, at the back of the market we found a stage with live entertainment, surrounded by rows of pedicure/spa chairs. 

 Now, I know you won't believe me…so I took a picture of their sign. A 30 minute foot massage was only $2.00, and you got free Wifi and a show! Not everyone would appreciate the show…it was a Ladyboy show…use your imagination. However, it was the best 30 minute foot massage that I ever had….so the next night I went back for the hour-long massage, still a bargain at $4.00!

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