Friday, February 13, 2015

More of Dublin

I had the luxury of two days in Dublin…alone. My husband was in meetings and this was the first one of his meetings where there wasn't another business associate's wife along to keep me company. And guess what? I loved being alone.

When I walked back to the city centre for the day, I meandered through alleyways going in whatever direction moved me. I stopped for a tour of Dublin castle, paying the extra 2 Euros for a guide. She was a cute Irish girl and told us a lot of Irish history that refreshed my memory that they broke from England in 1922.
The Throne

St. Patrick's Hall

A destination that I had in mind was the National Museum-Archeology. My favorite was a miniature Viking ship made entirely of gold.

I stumbled upon a food market and decided to stop for lunch when I saw a sandwich stand named The Ugly Duckling. On their board they listed a Pittsburgher and I asked where it got it name. I met the proprietors and Darragh and Derek explained that they had been to Giordano Brother in San Francisco (read my blog on Steelers Bars) and brought home the recipe for the Primanti sandwich…although theirs was nothing like either.  (Don't worry, I didn't eat this monster.)

Along the route, I came upon the Ha'Penny Bridge. It received its nickname from the fare once charged. When I arrived back at the hotel past 5:00 p.m. my husband asked what I did all day. My response: "whatever I felt like". I loved my day wandering through the streets of Dublin with no schedule and as much time to see whatever I chose.

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