Thursday, October 9, 2014

Memories of Europe

By now you have probably guessed that I am back in the United States.  My European vacation has come to an end and I am unpacking, doing laundry, and re-packing for my next adventure.  In the meantime, I have so many memories of Europe that I still want to share with you…and the best way to do that…is with photos.  Here are some of my fondest memories:
Panini in Barcelona

Market in Barcelona


Mediterranean in Toledo

Tapas in Madrid

Churros in Madrid

Pizza in San Sebastian

Nutella gaffe in St. Jean de Luz

Food shop in St. Jean

Crème Brule with lemoncello

Fish and chips at English pub

Hilton in Edinburgh

Oyster shack on Isle of Skye

Hot chocolate in St. Andrews

Cherry chocolate scone

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