Thursday, August 28, 2014

First Day of Sabbatical

It is my first day of sabbatical and I have created a blog.  It is called Where in the World is Susan Key which is a title that I copied from my daughter, Casey.  (Besides, nobody was enamored with my idea of Sabbatical Sue.)

Casey is living in Italy this summer and chronicles her travels with a blog which you can view at  Sounds cute, doesn't it?   Well, both Casey and her blogs are adorable and so is her outlook on living la bella vita.  I am so proud of Casey and how well-traveled she has become.  We took her to Italy for her thirteenth birthday with our good friends Arch, Doris and Chelsea Reed.  Undoubtedly, that was when her love for all things Italian began. 

To begin my blog, you need to understand my perspective on this sabbatical.  First and foremost, I am a lawyer and have been practicing law for twenty-five years.  Unlike some careers that are jobs, being a lawyer is a profession and a way of life.  Yes, I often get asked legal questions at cocktail parties and family reunions.  But, more than that, I constantly cater to my clients and their needs because that is the kind of lawyer that I am.  This requires one to work long hours, including evenings and weekends.  It is difficult to relax on the weekends when I know a client is waiting for my opinion letter on a difficult situation they are facing or  in need of a legal document that they claim they needed yesterday. As a result, I am constantly going into the office to try get caught up.  It has been a rewarding, but exhausting, career.  

Next, I am mother.  For the past twenty-two years I have had the honor and pleasure of raising two nearly perfect children.  One week ago my youngest child left for college and my mothering duties ended except for the urge I have to text my son everyday and ask if he got a haircut yet.  So after all the stages of raising children, and all the running around for all of their sports and activities, I am no longer needed.  Although it once felt like the "empty nest" would never get here, it has arrived!

Finally, I am a wife.  Our friends say that being married to Abe qualifies me for sainthood.  Anyone who knows us knows that being married to Abe has been a wild ride.  We will be celebrating twenty-five years of marriage in another week and we have had enough adventures for a lifetime.  Yet, here we are, about to begin another.  I jokingly say that during my sabbatical I am going to serve as the First Lady of Pony Baseball and travel with the President.  Seriously though, nothing would give me more pleasure than to step back from my career and simply be a wife for a little while.

So now that you know a little bit more about me, let the blogs begin!